Global pharmaceutical company scales adverse event detection on social media

“The standards and processes implemented with Resolver have enabled our regions to fully embrace social media with confidence.“
Global Social Media Capability Director
Global pharmaceutical company


Many pharma companies embrace social media for its direct-to-consumer engagement. But that engagement can come at a cost to compliance and ultimately the brand’s reputation. The volume and velocity of digital chatter online can quickly overwhelm compliance teams beholden to industry regulations.

One of the world’s premier biopharmaceutical companies recognized the value of social media early on as a way to strengthen consumer engagement. But building safe online communities required formalizing its global compliance policy to keep pace with its growing online presence.

Regional demand for social media pages grew fast. This rising social media engagement translated to inconsistent moderation, ad-hoc reporting and quality control issues, which inundated compliance teams. It also left the company open to adverse events slipping through the cracks. As the pharma company’s brand strength continued to grow, having a safe and compliant global social media presence was critical.


The company engaged Resolver to develop an enterprise-wide social media compliance solution that could scale across owned regional and drug-specific social media pages. Working with global social strategy, central pharmacovigilance and customer engagement teams, Resolver provided social media moderation and best-in-class adverse event detection.

Using its Pharma Compliance solution, Resolver expanded the company’s adverse event protocols and eliminated harmful content. With 24/7/365 coverage across many countries and languages, Resolver ensured compliance via implementation of clear and consistent policies for global moderation, regional onboarding, rollout and transition, and a new quality assurance template.

Accuracy is everything with pharma compliance. Resolver detected and removed harmful content within 15 minutes. Escalation of adverse events and product safety concerns occurred within a 12-24 hour window, giving the pharmaceutical company ample time to meet FDA/EMA regulations. Resolver added further precision with a triple-check process in multiple languages, including human review by native speakers.


Resolver delivered far beyond the brand’s expectations and historical benchmarks. Its marketing teams feel more confident than ever and compliance teams have peace of mind, knowing Resolver’s solution is in place.

The partnership with Resolver also benefits the pharma company’s bottom line. With an enterprise-level agreement, the company has realized cost and operational efficiencies. Eliminating local agreements streamlined oversight and ensuring consistent, scalable compliance around the world. Resolver best practices continue to inform the company’s adverse event protocols and training on an ongoing basis.

In addition, perhaps the greatest testament to the partnership’s success is the eagerness of the company’s new regional teams to engage consumers on social media. Despite the volume of comments peaking at multiple points over the last two years, Resolver’s no-miss guarantee gives the company and its regional teams the ability to quickly set up and safely scale new social media pages.

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