Identifying credible online threats to talent


The line between devoted fan and troubled fanatic can be blurred on social media, complicating the ability to separate credible threats from harmless bluster.

When a music label showcased its new artist online, she experienced a dramatic spike in harmful and hurtful commentary, especially on her personal social media pages—non-brand-owned channels.

Even with a full-time security detail to protect her from physical harm on her inaugural tour, the artist was still exposed to disturbing comments that put her, the tour and concertgoers in harm’s way.


Understanding the individual, their history and their intent is critical to determining the credibility of a threat. At the music label’s request, Resolver used its Risk Intelligence Graph to actively monitor the artist’s social media pages 24/7 to sift through a high volume of abuse, threats and other harmful content.

Risk signals aimed at the artist directly or adjacently from across the internet were evaluated to gauge plausibility and identify potentially dangerous individuals.

Using its global team of intelligence, psychology, and linguistics experts to analyze the data, Resolver worked hand-in-hand with security teams on the ground to keep the artist safe. The partnership led to the identification and arrest of an individual suspected of trying to carry out an attack during the tour.

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