
Podcast: The Future of Risk Management

Listen as Resolver's Amanda Cohen discusses the future of risk management & how to transform it to risk intelligence on the PayPod podcast

August 12, 2022

What is the value of customer service in the compliance space? How does Resolver approach integration to fit a wide range of customers and industries? How does Resolver keep evolving to help companies shift from risk management to risk intelligence? Listen as our VP of GRC Product, Amanda Cohen, talks about the future of risk management solutions on the PayPod podcast with host Heather Bodie.

On the importance of Resolver’s flexible tools and ability to scale with the customer:

“A lot of our customers will come in, and they’ve got one pain point or one problem area that they’re looking to solve for. And so, we want to make sure that while we can solve for that today, we also have the opportunity to grow with that customer,” says Amanda. “Because anyone who has implemented technology recognizes that that process can be pretty overwhelming.” When it comes to large, expensive projects, Resolver works closely together with the customer on implementation to ensure longevity of the product for your business. “We want to be able to scale up with you. Our customers start in one area, and then they often grow because they see the value of integrating that [risk] data.”

Part of Resolver’s approach to risk intelligence is through the flexibility to work with customers on projects that may not fall within the current suite of our solutions. “We want to help them capture that information in our system as well,” Amanda explains, “Then they find other use cases that they start building on their own to really augment the information that they have available to them.”

On Resolver’s approach to customer service in risk management:

“One of our mandates is to be loved by customers.” Amanda asserts. “Because it’s so important. There’s no sense in giving someone a product that they can’t help fit their needs.” When it comes to how Resolver views customer service, collaboration is key. “How can we help not force you into a solution that we think is best for you, but how can we listen to what you do,” Amanda asks. Resolver aims to understand each client’s objectives and roles, so that we can then personalize our technology to help you reach your ambitions. “We really tailor our product suite to make sure that we’re helping you solve your problem, not forcing you into a box.”

At Resolver, we strive to have our customers be our best ambassadors. Amanda shares an example of this through the power of good customer service. “[The customer] had taken a project that she was on, and now she was responsible for implementing [our product], using that to grow, and in what other spaces could she solve problems using our technology across the business?” Resolver’s approach to customer service is to have our customers as invested in the solution as we are.

On capitalizing on opportunities in risk management:

“Risk management isn’t just what could go wrong, but it’s ‘What opportunities exist within your organization that you haven’t necessarily capitalized on?'” Amanda explains. “When you bring risk into the strategic conversations, you start to see this realm of opportunity that you might not have seen if you weren’t considering the risk management end goal of how a strategy or your objectives are meant to be executed on.”

Amanda cites the example of a customer using our products to track fraud and counterfeit products. [When] there’s fraud incidences, things are going wrong.” Amanda says. “But when you start to use that information and feed it into your risk management program, you can understand if someone is fraudulently using your products,” Amanda suggests. “Then they’re selling these counterfeit versions of them out on the market. How does that damage your reputation? And so, you’re taking things that are happening on the ground and feeding your strategy and your risk program altogether.”

Resolver helps to make the process of taking risk data and turning it into actionable insights easy and impactful, helping companies capitalize on their risk opportunities. “That connection of data really helps inform, taking the things that are happening, and then making sure that those are being fed into your strategic objectives.”

Some highlights you won’t want to miss out on:

[14:30 – 14:53] Risk management isn’t just about what could go wrong.

[16:10 – 16:50] A look into the future of Resolver.

[18:20 – 19:03] Considering a career in compliance?

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Listen to the full episode: